
Report Energy Breakfast #130 Webinar "Donut Day with Kate Raworth"

Geplaatst op 23 april 2020, 13:34 uur

Thank you 02025, great breakfast!  -  Thank you for this nice an interesting virtual breakfast!  -  Taking this inspiration from Amsterdam to India, and I am sure you will bring much inspiration back too!  -  Thanks a lot everybody! it was fun, interesting an inspriring.  -  Let's all doughnut! xxx

These are some of the reactions we received this morning, thank you all...

Please find below a short summary of the 02025 Webinar "Donut Day with Kate Raworth"

We started with almost #175 attendees, more than #200 had been registered, including some new friends of other countries as well! 02025 is becoming world famous in Amsterdam! 

After introduction by 02025 projectdirector Thijs Haverkamp, one of 02025 cofounders Pauline Westendorp, took us by the hand of how Donut Day can support 'action perspective' for people who want to work on real solutions.

As example of Pauline's theory we had Isabella Jansen, concept artist and teacher Donut Day, elaborating on a few cases: Donut Day in practice at school, energy challenge in local area and working in Hubs.
The theory of Donut Economic was simple but also clevery explained by Raphael, an Amsterdam schoolkid, proving this theory works for all of us and we all can take this as an great example and no excuse! Also Isabella made a call to action to all attendees to organise your own Donut Day. As a proof of the pudding she revealed a special newspaper made by the schoolkids. This will be shared at a later stage. In a short movie "faces behind the newspaper" we showed the personal input on this nice piece of art. You can view this video here.

In line with the school challenge next panellist Herma de Walle, Independent strategy consultant & member of the Amsterdam Doughnut Coalition Task Force, elaborated on how Donut Day can be part of an emergency plan for teachers shortage in Amsterdam! Also some more interesting insights on the Donut Day principle were pointed out by her. 

In a short Q&A (these will be represented at later stage) we had a good warming up to the main stage: Kate Raworth!

No introduction needed, Kate Raworth put the bullet points on the Donut Economy straight on at full speed. Very inspiring, best to look back at the webinar footage (see video link below) to get the real Donut vibe!

Although this was an online event, Timo & Ravi (Amsterdam schoolkids) prepared a thankyou present for Kate Raworth, sustainable made one piece suit for her kids, which will be sent over to the UK offcourse (  
The official opening of the Donut Day by eating a real Donut by all attendees & panellists concluded this event, food for thoughts!

We closed this webinar with an impressing rap (click here), also made by Amsterdam schoolkids edited by Ilja van Saane (check out also their other videos @ youtube energiekrant

After the webinar, Kate Raworth had spared some overtime to answer questions directly, which has been great opportunity for us all to have visionairy guidance on our burning questions and pending inssues. Still, some questions could not be answered live. These where answered in writing and can be found underneath this post.

Missed the event? Want to share to others? Look back some topics?? Please check out the full video recording of event below. 

See you at next regular Energie Ontbijt (in Dutch) on May 14, it is about energy cooperatives. Please learn more here.


